Author and composer Willy Renner

Willy Renner is a renowned drummer and music educator who has made significant contributions to the world of music. In April 2018, he added another achievement to his list by publishing his first Cajon children's teaching book titled "Cajon - Die musikalische Zauberkiste" with Edition Dux.
In "Cajon - The Magical Music Box," Author Willy Renner introduces young readers step-by-step to the world of Cajon percussion. The book includes numerous exercises and game ideas that spark children's interest and enthusiasm. Additionally, it teaches the basics of rhythm and music theory.
Willy Renner is an experienced musician and teacher who perfectly masters the drums and Cajon. His long-term experience as a music educator has helped him to write a teaching book that is specifically tailored to the needs of children.
If you would like to purchase "Cajon - The Magical Music Box," you can order it directly from EDITION DUX. We are confident that your children will have lots of fun reading and practicing with it! The videos for the book can be found on the corresponding YouTube channel or via the QR codes on the respective pages.